Yakima Dove Hunt

Yakima Dove Hunt

Yakima Dove Hunt #2

Yakima Dove Hunt #2

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Addie is in Kindergarten!

I have been spending the first half hour in Addie's class helping her calssmates in writing their names on chalkboards. Her teacer, Aaron Reno, is an old family friend that I know pretty well. The second week of school, he pulls me aside and tells me about an incident the day before.(he is grinning from ear to ear, so I am wondering....) So Addie is playing Lego's with a group of boys and she creates a 'gun' of legos and proceeds to shoot a few of them. So Mr. Reno comes over and tells Addie that we don't play with guns and we don't shoot people. She cocks her head and puts her hand on her hip (Addie-tude style) and says 'Uh, Mr. Reno,it's not real'(basically she is saying hello dumb, dumb),' its only pretend'
He had a hard time keeping a straight face! Later she tells me that we can only shoot what we will eat and, gross, it's not like I am going to eat a yucky boy!
Gotta love this kid!

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